Honoring the Expertise of the SSFUSD Community

We believe people who are directly impacted by issues have the best expertise to lead change. We seek to be led by and for SSFUSD's community members. 


Our start-up Board of Directors is made up of SSFUSD community members with backgrounds in nonprofit and equity work, and a strong desire to support education. Our intention is to significantly expand the Board of Directors to more fully represent the SSFUSD community, and ensure a broad diversity of decision maker voices and points of view.

Current Board Members are:
President: Kristy Camacho | kristy@ssfedfoundation.org

Vice President: Barbie Levasseur | barbie@ssfedfoundation.org

Treasurer: Lauren Kitchen | lauren@ssfedfoundation.org

Secretary: Kayla Powers | kayla@ssfedfoundation.org

Community Engagement: Juanita Flores | juanita@ssfedfoundation.org

At-large: Alma Soto | alma@ssfedfoundation.org

At-large: Natalie Wheatfall-Lum | natalie@ssfedfoundation.org


We believe that leaders who arise from the communities and issues they serve have the experience, relationships, data, and knowledge that are essential for developing solutions that work. Our SSFUSD community is full of assets and expertise. To increase our impact, we want every SSFUSD school to be engaged in our mission and have a voice in our decision making. 

We are developing a School Advocate Network comprised of students and family members from each school. Each School Advocate will actively listen to their school's students, families, and educators, and share back what they learn to the Foundation to help meaningfully guide our work. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a School Advocate, please fill out this form and one of our Board Members will be in touch.


We are currently building an advisory council of community members, education experts, and others to help guide our work. Please contact us by emailing contact@ssfedfoundation.org to learn more.